Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Yet another song to round it all... (Been looking out for this song ever since it plays during the drama Hotshot (篮球火))
Somehow it writes about my feelings of what-had-happen this year...Not soo long ago.
没原因 就是喜欢你
在初次相遇 有重逢的心情
深呼吸 让心动隐形
完美的爱情 是无声的旋律
听 我听你 不确定的语气
等 我等你 放下你的犹豫
嘿 如果你 轻轻闭上眼睛
我会明白 你做的决定
Cause I Believe 那幸福不灭的定律
在你手心 会有谁给你的美丽
静者恒静 就让我的心安静地守着你
没原因 就是喜欢你
就像海眷恋 天空般 的心情
你前进 看着你背影
就足够世界 无条件 的放晴你
如果已 爱上他的姓名
爱 如果已 没有我的空隙
嘿 只要你 可以永远开心
我会情愿 渐渐被忘记
Cause I Believe 那幸福不灭的定律
在你手心 会有谁给你的美丽
静者恒静 就让我的心安静地守着你
Oh I believe
Cause I believe那幸福不灭的定律
你的手心 不一定要由我握紧
就像恒星 总会有发光的原因
Oh I believe 你值得被珍惜
Somehow it writes about my feelings of what-had-happen this year...Not soo long ago.
没原因 就是喜欢你
在初次相遇 有重逢的心情
深呼吸 让心动隐形
完美的爱情 是无声的旋律
听 我听你 不确定的语气
等 我等你 放下你的犹豫
嘿 如果你 轻轻闭上眼睛
我会明白 你做的决定
Cause I Believe 那幸福不灭的定律
在你手心 会有谁给你的美丽
静者恒静 就让我的心安静地守着你
没原因 就是喜欢你
就像海眷恋 天空般 的心情
你前进 看着你背影
就足够世界 无条件 的放晴你
如果已 爱上他的姓名
爱 如果已 没有我的空隙
嘿 只要你 可以永远开心
我会情愿 渐渐被忘记
Cause I Believe 那幸福不灭的定律
在你手心 会有谁给你的美丽
静者恒静 就让我的心安静地守着你
Oh I believe
Cause I believe那幸福不灭的定律
你的手心 不一定要由我握紧
就像恒星 总会有发光的原因
Oh I believe 你值得被珍惜
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
2nd Last Day Of The Year
Once again, we are at the very end of a year. Looking back at the very start of the year, how many resolutions have we achieved? How much resolutions have we failed to accomplished ?
Copying and Paste from the "resolution list" posted on the last day of January (http://i-kieran-yiheng.blogspot.com/2008/01/last-day-of-january.html), here's the review:
- My parents to be healthy and happy. Especially my mum...
Alrite, family-wise... My father had the good fortune to change a new company but mum had not been in a healthy-form, especially mental wise... Sad to say that... Will continue to chant for them and for them to take up these faith eventually.
- Revamp my image both internally (Character wise) and externally (Looks, Body & Fitness Building).... Overall I should say... Human Revolution
Been polishing up this life... Quite a "chiongster" at the 1st half of the year, yet a little punctured at the 2nd half of it... I been telling these to everyone when I share about my 2008. Guess I really need to polish up further in order to keep myself advancing and competitve ahead.
Externally wise, I have been going gym, and signing up for membership at California Fitness.
- Continue to exert myself in Soka Activities, especially in my district & ITACSD.
The answer is the same as above. But I have been doing better than before... My amount of daimoku had increased, and more values had been created in activities. And best still, I had been attending every single district discussion meeting, institution meeting and study meeting! Perfect attendance haha!
- Building strongest bonds with all my friends and adding new friends in this social circle
Ever since I had entered ITACSD, I have been forging greater bonds with these new friends...At least I been talking alot more than before...Sames goes to my new chapter, and the lads from M&D crew. Let's work hard for Kosen Rufu together in the new year k ?
The friendships with the gang of 2e1'00 have been stronger...Enjoy being with them. Looking forward for the Hong Kong trip in February and next year will be the 10th year we have known each other. Let's not forget group c5 of NDP 2008... It's been a wonderful 4 months from April to August...
Been doing some catch-ups with Primary School classmates too, thanks to the power fo facebook... But my friendships with Polymates have been disappointing... Can you believe I have NEVER seen them for more than a year ??? Sad to say that but I don't wanna write them off as just another bunch of "Hi-Bye" friends...
Last but not least my NS mates... Been seeing the good and bad for the past one year... Anyway I going to ORD.
- Be a sincere and good listener to everyone when they have problems and try my utmost best to help them
Let's be humble... I don't wanna say how good I am.
- Do well in my ACCA part-time studies... despite it's being a tough course.
Well...I did not do well in ACCA this year, perhaps I have been slackening, even to the extent that whether I should give up. But eventually, today I decided to carry on... but at a new institution by the name of Kaplan. 2009 will be a refreshing start in terms of studies.
- Save more money
My financial condition has tremendously improved...But will still need to save for the future.
- Have the good fortune to meet the right & special one whom I will feel comfortable, blissful and interested with, and she must feel the same way too.
No comments. STILL single...It's been an eventful year for me...but at least I made good friends. Unlike 2007 where there was a disaster. But nevertheless, I must continue to work hard, polishing my life and continue advancing and breakthrough... The good will attract the good.
- Complete my driving license by this year
Been stopping for a year but I will definitely pursue it in 2009.
- Further improving my interest in singing and football
Been going K with my usual KTV kakis but hardly play football these days. But I have been going gym more than that, especially signing up membership with California Fitness. Let's not forget, I have made a breakthrough in my fitness in passing my IPPT!
Copying and Paste from the "resolution list" posted on the last day of January (http://i-kieran-yiheng.blogspot.com/2008/01/last-day-of-january.html), here's the review:
- My parents to be healthy and happy. Especially my mum...
Alrite, family-wise... My father had the good fortune to change a new company but mum had not been in a healthy-form, especially mental wise... Sad to say that... Will continue to chant for them and for them to take up these faith eventually.
- Revamp my image both internally (Character wise) and externally (Looks, Body & Fitness Building).... Overall I should say... Human Revolution
Been polishing up this life... Quite a "chiongster" at the 1st half of the year, yet a little punctured at the 2nd half of it... I been telling these to everyone when I share about my 2008. Guess I really need to polish up further in order to keep myself advancing and competitve ahead.
Externally wise, I have been going gym, and signing up for membership at California Fitness.
- Continue to exert myself in Soka Activities, especially in my district & ITACSD.
The answer is the same as above. But I have been doing better than before... My amount of daimoku had increased, and more values had been created in activities. And best still, I had been attending every single district discussion meeting, institution meeting and study meeting! Perfect attendance haha!
- Building strongest bonds with all my friends and adding new friends in this social circle
Ever since I had entered ITACSD, I have been forging greater bonds with these new friends...At least I been talking alot more than before...Sames goes to my new chapter, and the lads from M&D crew. Let's work hard for Kosen Rufu together in the new year k ?
The friendships with the gang of 2e1'00 have been stronger...Enjoy being with them. Looking forward for the Hong Kong trip in February and next year will be the 10th year we have known each other. Let's not forget group c5 of NDP 2008... It's been a wonderful 4 months from April to August...
Been doing some catch-ups with Primary School classmates too, thanks to the power fo facebook... But my friendships with Polymates have been disappointing... Can you believe I have NEVER seen them for more than a year ??? Sad to say that but I don't wanna write them off as just another bunch of "Hi-Bye" friends...
Last but not least my NS mates... Been seeing the good and bad for the past one year... Anyway I going to ORD.
- Be a sincere and good listener to everyone when they have problems and try my utmost best to help them
Let's be humble... I don't wanna say how good I am.
- Do well in my ACCA part-time studies... despite it's being a tough course.
Well...I did not do well in ACCA this year, perhaps I have been slackening, even to the extent that whether I should give up. But eventually, today I decided to carry on... but at a new institution by the name of Kaplan. 2009 will be a refreshing start in terms of studies.
- Save more money
My financial condition has tremendously improved...But will still need to save for the future.
- Have the good fortune to meet the right & special one whom I will feel comfortable, blissful and interested with, and she must feel the same way too.
No comments. STILL single...It's been an eventful year for me...but at least I made good friends. Unlike 2007 where there was a disaster. But nevertheless, I must continue to work hard, polishing my life and continue advancing and breakthrough... The good will attract the good.
- Complete my driving license by this year
Been stopping for a year but I will definitely pursue it in 2009.
- Further improving my interest in singing and football
Been going K with my usual KTV kakis but hardly play football these days. But I have been going gym more than that, especially signing up membership with California Fitness. Let's not forget, I have made a breakthrough in my fitness in passing my IPPT!
Monday, December 29, 2008
This shall be the last new song to be added in my "favourites list" for 2008...The title sounds like one hip or funny song but it's not...
And the gorgeous Alice Tzeng (曾愷玹) is in this MV !
那一条牙膏 在对我傻笑
想睡就睡 想闹就闹
蓝色的碗盘 多买了一套
要多少替代的丑角 无辜的陪笑
我在搞笑 借着热闹 掩盖着心跳
边哭边笑 偏要说着 一个人真好
当人群散了 突然觉得我可以死掉
还在搞笑 害怕回家 不知怎么熬
这么多年 早就喜欢 有你的撒娇
我想我能熬 但是至少要让我知道
我们的小狗 食量变好小
眼神里常常显得无 聊他习惯睡觉的床位
少了一双脚 所以他常常看着门口睡不着
我在搞笑 借着热闹 掩盖着心跳
边哭边笑 偏要说着 一个人真好
当人群散了 突然觉得我可以死掉
我在搞笑 却在最后 眼泪拼命掉
你的离开 失去多少 我计算不了
忙完了一天 突然觉得又何必辛劳
还在搞笑 是否拥有 麻痹的疗效
唱一夜歌 却避不开 催泪的曲调
我彻夜胡闹 希望听到有人会提到
Monday, December 22, 2008
Yet another year has just gone by and now it's christmas again. I had never really celebrated much for those past christmases and I can say those nights of hanging around the streets of Orchard on the eve, playing with those sprays (In which then those construction workers took advantage of, of course with a wrong intention) and squeezing around the crowd were a thing of the past.
There's no value creating in such a manner of getting involved in this festive season.
This Christmas eve, I had a gathering at Peixuan's house with the Bendemeer lads. It is gonna to be a potluck session and of course, Manjong. It's soo wonderful that I had been keeping in good touch with all of them, even though we had left the Secondary School for 6 years, while this year I had hanged out with them much often than before. Definitely, they are not those clique whom are just "Hi..... Bye!!!".
Well... these clique of friends were from my sec 1 and 2 class, and back those days, I was not in really talking terms with the girls though. Soo much things have changed, guess I have been more open-up as I grow. Ask me why I never get in touch with my sec 4 graduating class (Where my poly mates and SSA friends do...), I can only say sadly... the majority is indeed in those "Hi-Bye" category. What I can only remember that my sec 4 class is a class seperated by cliques and I remember how "Miserable" I was on the graduation night.
Despite what I regard these sec 4 classmates as in the "Hi-Bye" category, I do wish to meet them up for catch-ups one day. But will they ever think of meeting up ? Well... perhaps I was remembered as the one for his childishness and stupidity. (Which eventually led to those broken one-sided relationships in my early days.)
Alright... Let's not talk about the past anymore. Come this Christmas, I must really enjoy this gathering and my short getaway to KL with my NS mates on Boxing Day...
There's no value creating in such a manner of getting involved in this festive season.
This Christmas eve, I had a gathering at Peixuan's house with the Bendemeer lads. It is gonna to be a potluck session and of course, Manjong. It's soo wonderful that I had been keeping in good touch with all of them, even though we had left the Secondary School for 6 years, while this year I had hanged out with them much often than before. Definitely, they are not those clique whom are just "Hi..... Bye!!!".
Well... these clique of friends were from my sec 1 and 2 class, and back those days, I was not in really talking terms with the girls though. Soo much things have changed, guess I have been more open-up as I grow. Ask me why I never get in touch with my sec 4 graduating class (Where my poly mates and SSA friends do...), I can only say sadly... the majority is indeed in those "Hi-Bye" category. What I can only remember that my sec 4 class is a class seperated by cliques and I remember how "Miserable" I was on the graduation night.
Despite what I regard these sec 4 classmates as in the "Hi-Bye" category, I do wish to meet them up for catch-ups one day. But will they ever think of meeting up ? Well... perhaps I was remembered as the one for his childishness and stupidity. (Which eventually led to those broken one-sided relationships in my early days.)
Alright... Let's not talk about the past anymore. Come this Christmas, I must really enjoy this gathering and my short getaway to KL with my NS mates on Boxing Day...
Friday, December 19, 2008
Double D Mood
Disappointed and Disheartened...
That's all I can say. I been trying to organise a mass primary school class gathering since it's been 10 years since everyone have graduated... and how's the attendance for today's session at Mindcafe???
A simply pathetic 5 of us...
I can't blame those who last minute can't make it to the gathering due to sickness or other matters... I felt I was a bad organiser who rely contacts solely on Facebook... And what's the moral of the story ?
Don't rely too much on Facebook when some of them don't even bother to check it out any updates of events over there... Some of them may even block facebook messages from their emails which led to them knowing nothing...
Perhaps there's no shortcuts in contacting people afterall... Handphone contacts and MSN are always the most reliable source of communication...
Today's debacle just saw how bad my communication skills are... It's always been my weaknesses for years. 2009... I must OVERCOME it.
12 days more to 2009...Soo fast a year has passed but how much have I achieve in 2008 ???
2009 will be a more challenging and struggling year to me...I really need to grow and ADVANCE...
That's all I can say. I been trying to organise a mass primary school class gathering since it's been 10 years since everyone have graduated... and how's the attendance for today's session at Mindcafe???
A simply pathetic 5 of us...
I can't blame those who last minute can't make it to the gathering due to sickness or other matters... I felt I was a bad organiser who rely contacts solely on Facebook... And what's the moral of the story ?
Don't rely too much on Facebook when some of them don't even bother to check it out any updates of events over there... Some of them may even block facebook messages from their emails which led to them knowing nothing...
Perhaps there's no shortcuts in contacting people afterall... Handphone contacts and MSN are always the most reliable source of communication...
Today's debacle just saw how bad my communication skills are... It's always been my weaknesses for years. 2009... I must OVERCOME it.
12 days more to 2009...Soo fast a year has passed but how much have I achieve in 2008 ???
2009 will be a more challenging and struggling year to me...I really need to grow and ADVANCE...
Monday, December 15, 2008
爱太痛(Love's too painful)
Yet another very EMO song written, composed and sang by Kenji Wu(吳克群)... dedicated to all those PAST miseries of mine...
吃不能吃 睡不能睡
笑不能笑 哭不敢哭
人不像人 鬼不像鬼
能不能不爱了 因为爱太痛了
我痛得快死了 却无法把你忘了
能不能不爱了 爱情它太痛了
我痛得快死了 却无法把爱割舍
吃不能吃 睡不能睡
没有了你 全都不对
能不能不爱了 因为爱太痛了
我痛得快死了 却无法把你忘了
能不能不爱了 爱情它太痛了
我不能够 不能够不爱了
能不能不爱了 因为爱太痛了
我痛得快死了 却无法把你忘了
能不能不爱了 爱情它太痛了
我不能够 不能够不爱了
吃不能吃 睡不能睡...
吃不能吃 睡不能睡
笑不能笑 哭不敢哭
人不像人 鬼不像鬼
能不能不爱了 因为爱太痛了
我痛得快死了 却无法把你忘了
能不能不爱了 爱情它太痛了
我痛得快死了 却无法把爱割舍
吃不能吃 睡不能睡
没有了你 全都不对
能不能不爱了 因为爱太痛了
我痛得快死了 却无法把你忘了
能不能不爱了 爱情它太痛了
我不能够 不能够不爱了
能不能不爱了 因为爱太痛了
我痛得快死了 却无法把你忘了
能不能不爱了 爱情它太痛了
我不能够 不能够不爱了
吃不能吃 睡不能睡...
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
It's been quite some time since the last post. In fact, for the past few months, I hardly doing blogging...
Exams's just over with F5 Performance Management being the last paper yesterday.(Sounds weird when yesterday was a public holiday, right?)...I don't wanna talk about my future studies plan right now. However, now it's time for me to plan how to enjoy the next one month till ORD, looking for a job and making efforts to achieve some unfinished resolutions which set early this year.
Speaking of ORD, today was exactly one month away though. My replacement just arrived today, and I got only 6.5 working days left to hand every worktasks to him. Well... many of my 102th intake platoon mates had already started clearing leave... Samm had his last day last Friday, Jeremy and Ahmad will be having theirs this Thur, while I had to wait until next week...
Soo far 2008 had been an eventful year, at least I did enjoy than the previous years... even if times are bad these days. I had been polishing up this life and doing lots of catching ups with friends, making new friends and building stronger bonds with the old ones, while some breakthroughs of self-achievement had been done.
For the next one month, I shall really continue to polish up this life and achieving more victories...
Chia Yiheng, must WIN !!!
Exams's just over with F5 Performance Management being the last paper yesterday.(Sounds weird when yesterday was a public holiday, right?)...I don't wanna talk about my future studies plan right now. However, now it's time for me to plan how to enjoy the next one month till ORD, looking for a job and making efforts to achieve some unfinished resolutions which set early this year.
Speaking of ORD, today was exactly one month away though. My replacement just arrived today, and I got only 6.5 working days left to hand every worktasks to him. Well... many of my 102th intake platoon mates had already started clearing leave... Samm had his last day last Friday, Jeremy and Ahmad will be having theirs this Thur, while I had to wait until next week...
Soo far 2008 had been an eventful year, at least I did enjoy than the previous years... even if times are bad these days. I had been polishing up this life and doing lots of catching ups with friends, making new friends and building stronger bonds with the old ones, while some breakthroughs of self-achievement had been done.
For the next one month, I shall really continue to polish up this life and achieving more victories...
Chia Yiheng, must WIN !!!
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