Well...I really love her alot =P. I managed to purchase and (perhaps being the first person to buy at Toa Payoh's Popular) on the very first day of the release of her latest album (and her first since her move to Warner Music), Butterfly
(花蝴蝶). Ever since her move to her previous company, Capitol Music, I had been buying each and every of her album release. (Except for her low-profile english album which were covers of the greatest hits of the western pop.)... Her songs had been accompanying me for these past few years...with the highs and the lows. Here are the recaps.
Album Name: Dancing Diva(舞娘)Date of Release: 12/5/2006
I got this very first album of mine at a CD shop at Bendemeer Mall near my attachment company. It was the time when I was at a very low-life condition, having suffering from a major family incident and feeling very underachieving and disappointed in terms of studies and relationships. That's the low self-esteem I had at that time, despite having the good fortune and opportunity to be one of the 10+ students in the batch to be attached at a company(And it's a MNC) for Industrial Attachment Programme. It was at the very same time where I was in love with a girl(Which I knew during YCF and YGM in 2005 and whom I still refused to name on my blog until now...), while she was attached at that time. At that moment, I just hoped the friendships with her grew...but too bad there's little room for chances.
Favourite Songs in the album: Dancing Diva(舞娘), Pretence(假装... and it eventually spells the situation between me and her the following year...), Prologue(开场白), A wonder in Madrid(马德里不思议)
Album Name: Dancing Forever(唯舞独尊)
Date of Release: 29/9/2006It's an album which consists of her mini concert DVD, a disc of her few new songs and another disc of remixes. At that point of time, I was in a worst condition of my life, lacking the wisdom and good fortune to find a good vacation job before NS which led me to work in an environment which I disliked at the very first day of work. At the same time, my low-self esteem, disappointments and bitterness continued. I was seriously lacking faith by then. Meanwhile, I don't even have the chance to see her in gakkai activities during that period of time. (Perhaps it's best not to see her in meetings as
I had the face of low-life condition and my acne problems were at the very
Favourite Songs in the album: The cantonese version of 假装, Heard that love has come back(听说爱情回来过), Marry me today(今天你要嫁给我...and I will put this song in my consideration for my wedding.)
Album Name: Agent J(特务J)
Date of Release: 21/9/2007This album released exactly 3 weeks after
that incident. I don't wish to mention what happen...What I can only say now it's
yet another vicious end of pursuing of love. Today, I wanna say again is
I don't want such things to happen again. Although my social life had been much better especially since that incident, the song
一个人(Alone) had been accompanying me to overcome this vicious karma of mine and slowly get over this one-sided relationship.
It is a beginning of a new chapter of my life, a beginning of newly-refresh determination and strong life-condition for my human revolution and my pursue of happiness...
Favourite Songs in the album: Alone(一个人), Fear-free(怕什么), Metronome(节拍器), Agent J(特务J)
Album Name: Butterfly(花蝴蝶)
Date of Release: 27/3/2009
As I mentioned above, this is her first album since her move to Warner Music. By then I had already ORD from NS and just started my temp job as a finance officer at NUS...It's a breakthrough and good fortune to find this job though as the current economic crisis continues...
Meanwhile, I am heavily involved in gakkai activities than before while I continue to work hard to make breakthroughs in life... a far cry from 2006 when I was in such a shitty condition. Speaking of that, once again I repeat. I don't want (bad) history to repeat again
In this album, I particularly like Compromise(妥协)...It is a "continuation" of her sobby love ballads such the taste of lemon grass(柠檬草的味道), rewind(倒带), sky(天空), pretence(假装), alone(一个人) and list goes on...
Favourite Songs in the album: Compromise(妥协), You hurt my feelings(你快乐我内伤), Butterfly(花蝴蝶), Real Man(大丈夫)