Quite a number of things happened after CFG... been meeting up with my Pri and Sec School friends and at the meantime, getting involved in yesterday concluded ITACSD O & G. Still some 12 weeks away from ORD, and exams' coming up this December.
Soo fast 2008's going to an end and now it's the final quarter of the year. How much resolutions have I achieved? Come and think of it, there's quite a number which I have not achieved. Perhaps I have to really make an effort to make victories happen, and in the meantime, chant for the wisdom and good fortune to make all these happen.
I am thinking of organising a big class 6F gathering by the end of the year to commemorate 10 years of graduation from Pei Chun Public School. Initially, I wanna make it in the midst of November, but since that month is going to be the exam month for those who are in Universities, guess I shall organise one after my exams in mid-December. Hope it will going to be a success, and there's quite a number of classmates whom I never met for 10 long years! Despite having some meet-ups with those usual old classmates these years...
Here's some round-ups since I have last blogged...
Dinner with 6F mates (In the picture: Adeline, Qiaolin, Mingfen, Me, JianMing and Jiayi)
Singing 9 hours of KTV on that very day...(6Fmates in the afternoon... the usual kakis in the night...)
Dinner to celebrate Perry's (belated) birthday... Zhenbang, Eboone, Me, LX, Perry, Joonkiat, Ashwin and Nic...
My catch of the night!
ITAC's O&G just yesterday...
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