Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Somehow it writes about my feelings of what-had-happen this year...Not soo long ago.
没原因 就是喜欢你
在初次相遇 有重逢的心情
深呼吸 让心动隐形
完美的爱情 是无声的旋律
听 我听你 不确定的语气
等 我等你 放下你的犹豫
嘿 如果你 轻轻闭上眼睛
我会明白 你做的决定
Cause I Believe 那幸福不灭的定律
在你手心 会有谁给你的美丽
静者恒静 就让我的心安静地守着你
没原因 就是喜欢你
就像海眷恋 天空般 的心情
你前进 看着你背影
就足够世界 无条件 的放晴你
如果已 爱上他的姓名
爱 如果已 没有我的空隙
嘿 只要你 可以永远开心
我会情愿 渐渐被忘记
Cause I Believe 那幸福不灭的定律
在你手心 会有谁给你的美丽
静者恒静 就让我的心安静地守着你
Oh I believe
Cause I believe那幸福不灭的定律
你的手心 不一定要由我握紧
就像恒星 总会有发光的原因
Oh I believe 你值得被珍惜
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
2nd Last Day Of The Year
Copying and Paste from the "resolution list" posted on the last day of January (http://i-kieran-yiheng.blogspot.com/2008/01/last-day-of-january.html), here's the review:
- My parents to be healthy and happy. Especially my mum...
Alrite, family-wise... My father had the good fortune to change a new company but mum had not been in a healthy-form, especially mental wise... Sad to say that... Will continue to chant for them and for them to take up these faith eventually.
- Revamp my image both internally (Character wise) and externally (Looks, Body & Fitness Building).... Overall I should say... Human Revolution
Been polishing up this life... Quite a "chiongster" at the 1st half of the year, yet a little punctured at the 2nd half of it... I been telling these to everyone when I share about my 2008. Guess I really need to polish up further in order to keep myself advancing and competitve ahead.
Externally wise, I have been going gym, and signing up for membership at California Fitness.
- Continue to exert myself in Soka Activities, especially in my district & ITACSD.
The answer is the same as above. But I have been doing better than before... My amount of daimoku had increased, and more values had been created in activities. And best still, I had been attending every single district discussion meeting, institution meeting and study meeting! Perfect attendance haha!
- Building strongest bonds with all my friends and adding new friends in this social circle
Ever since I had entered ITACSD, I have been forging greater bonds with these new friends...At least I been talking alot more than before...Sames goes to my new chapter, and the lads from M&D crew. Let's work hard for Kosen Rufu together in the new year k ?
The friendships with the gang of 2e1'00 have been stronger...Enjoy being with them. Looking forward for the Hong Kong trip in February and next year will be the 10th year we have known each other. Let's not forget group c5 of NDP 2008... It's been a wonderful 4 months from April to August...
Been doing some catch-ups with Primary School classmates too, thanks to the power fo facebook... But my friendships with Polymates have been disappointing... Can you believe I have NEVER seen them for more than a year ??? Sad to say that but I don't wanna write them off as just another bunch of "Hi-Bye" friends...
Last but not least my NS mates... Been seeing the good and bad for the past one year... Anyway I going to ORD.
- Be a sincere and good listener to everyone when they have problems and try my utmost best to help them
Let's be humble... I don't wanna say how good I am.
- Do well in my ACCA part-time studies... despite it's being a tough course.
Well...I did not do well in ACCA this year, perhaps I have been slackening, even to the extent that whether I should give up. But eventually, today I decided to carry on... but at a new institution by the name of Kaplan. 2009 will be a refreshing start in terms of studies.
- Save more money
My financial condition has tremendously improved...But will still need to save for the future.
- Have the good fortune to meet the right & special one whom I will feel comfortable, blissful and interested with, and she must feel the same way too.
No comments. STILL single...It's been an eventful year for me...but at least I made good friends. Unlike 2007 where there was a disaster. But nevertheless, I must continue to work hard, polishing my life and continue advancing and breakthrough... The good will attract the good.
- Complete my driving license by this year
Been stopping for a year but I will definitely pursue it in 2009.
- Further improving my interest in singing and football
Been going K with my usual KTV kakis but hardly play football these days. But I have been going gym more than that, especially signing up membership with California Fitness. Let's not forget, I have made a breakthrough in my fitness in passing my IPPT!
Monday, December 29, 2008
And the gorgeous Alice Tzeng (曾愷玹) is in this MV !
那一条牙膏 在对我傻笑
想睡就睡 想闹就闹
蓝色的碗盘 多买了一套
要多少替代的丑角 无辜的陪笑
我在搞笑 借着热闹 掩盖着心跳
边哭边笑 偏要说着 一个人真好
当人群散了 突然觉得我可以死掉
还在搞笑 害怕回家 不知怎么熬
这么多年 早就喜欢 有你的撒娇
我想我能熬 但是至少要让我知道
我们的小狗 食量变好小
眼神里常常显得无 聊他习惯睡觉的床位
少了一双脚 所以他常常看着门口睡不着
我在搞笑 借着热闹 掩盖着心跳
边哭边笑 偏要说着 一个人真好
当人群散了 突然觉得我可以死掉
我在搞笑 却在最后 眼泪拼命掉
你的离开 失去多少 我计算不了
忙完了一天 突然觉得又何必辛劳
还在搞笑 是否拥有 麻痹的疗效
唱一夜歌 却避不开 催泪的曲调
我彻夜胡闹 希望听到有人会提到
Monday, December 22, 2008
There's no value creating in such a manner of getting involved in this festive season.
This Christmas eve, I had a gathering at Peixuan's house with the Bendemeer lads. It is gonna to be a potluck session and of course, Manjong. It's soo wonderful that I had been keeping in good touch with all of them, even though we had left the Secondary School for 6 years, while this year I had hanged out with them much often than before. Definitely, they are not those clique whom are just "Hi..... Bye!!!".
Well... these clique of friends were from my sec 1 and 2 class, and back those days, I was not in really talking terms with the girls though. Soo much things have changed, guess I have been more open-up as I grow. Ask me why I never get in touch with my sec 4 graduating class (Where my poly mates and SSA friends do...), I can only say sadly... the majority is indeed in those "Hi-Bye" category. What I can only remember that my sec 4 class is a class seperated by cliques and I remember how "Miserable" I was on the graduation night.
Despite what I regard these sec 4 classmates as in the "Hi-Bye" category, I do wish to meet them up for catch-ups one day. But will they ever think of meeting up ? Well... perhaps I was remembered as the one for his childishness and stupidity. (Which eventually led to those broken one-sided relationships in my early days.)
Alright... Let's not talk about the past anymore. Come this Christmas, I must really enjoy this gathering and my short getaway to KL with my NS mates on Boxing Day...
Friday, December 19, 2008
Double D Mood
That's all I can say. I been trying to organise a mass primary school class gathering since it's been 10 years since everyone have graduated... and how's the attendance for today's session at Mindcafe???
A simply pathetic 5 of us...
I can't blame those who last minute can't make it to the gathering due to sickness or other matters... I felt I was a bad organiser who rely contacts solely on Facebook... And what's the moral of the story ?
Don't rely too much on Facebook when some of them don't even bother to check it out any updates of events over there... Some of them may even block facebook messages from their emails which led to them knowing nothing...
Perhaps there's no shortcuts in contacting people afterall... Handphone contacts and MSN are always the most reliable source of communication...
Today's debacle just saw how bad my communication skills are... It's always been my weaknesses for years. 2009... I must OVERCOME it.
12 days more to 2009...Soo fast a year has passed but how much have I achieve in 2008 ???
2009 will be a more challenging and struggling year to me...I really need to grow and ADVANCE...
Monday, December 15, 2008
爱太痛(Love's too painful)
吃不能吃 睡不能睡
笑不能笑 哭不敢哭
人不像人 鬼不像鬼
能不能不爱了 因为爱太痛了
我痛得快死了 却无法把你忘了
能不能不爱了 爱情它太痛了
我痛得快死了 却无法把爱割舍
吃不能吃 睡不能睡
没有了你 全都不对
能不能不爱了 因为爱太痛了
我痛得快死了 却无法把你忘了
能不能不爱了 爱情它太痛了
我不能够 不能够不爱了
能不能不爱了 因为爱太痛了
我痛得快死了 却无法把你忘了
能不能不爱了 爱情它太痛了
我不能够 不能够不爱了
吃不能吃 睡不能睡...
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Exams's just over with F5 Performance Management being the last paper yesterday.(Sounds weird when yesterday was a public holiday, right?)...I don't wanna talk about my future studies plan right now. However, now it's time for me to plan how to enjoy the next one month till ORD, looking for a job and making efforts to achieve some unfinished resolutions which set early this year.
Speaking of ORD, today was exactly one month away though. My replacement just arrived today, and I got only 6.5 working days left to hand every worktasks to him. Well... many of my 102th intake platoon mates had already started clearing leave... Samm had his last day last Friday, Jeremy and Ahmad will be having theirs this Thur, while I had to wait until next week...
Soo far 2008 had been an eventful year, at least I did enjoy than the previous years... even if times are bad these days. I had been polishing up this life and doing lots of catching ups with friends, making new friends and building stronger bonds with the old ones, while some breakthroughs of self-achievement had been done.
For the next one month, I shall really continue to polish up this life and achieving more victories...
Chia Yiheng, must WIN !!!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Soo hard to sleep...
Afterall, I intend to resume my revision again tomorrow...
But I fail to sleep...
Don't know why... the brain in me keeps on functioning, the mind in me keeps on moving and fails to take a rest...
Exams is coming in around 10 days yet my revision progress is soo slow. Perhaps ACCA's not my cup of tea afterall... but how can I say that ??? How can I give up without giving it a fight???
This year has been doing fine for me yet there's a lot of things for me to overcome... and to achieve bigger victories in this life. At this hour, I felt I have slacken alot... I really need to do my human revolution, polishing up this life and put all the devilish functions and all those thoughts which has hindered me out of my life.
最怕空气突然安静 最怕朋友突然的关心
想念如果会有声音 不愿那是悲伤的哭泣
突然好想你 你会在哪里
突然好想你 突然锋利的回忆
我们像一首最美丽的歌曲 变成两部悲伤的电影
为什么你带我走过最难忘的旅行 然后留下最痛的纪念品
我们那么甜 那么美 那么相信 那么疯 那么热烈的曾经
突然好想你 你会在哪里
突然好想你 突然锋利的回忆
最怕空气突然安静 最怕朋友突然的关心
Sunday, November 16, 2008
In Turmoil
Seriously speaking, I am quite pissed the way current problems are being handled... and the attitude this main sole-breadwinner has shown.
Now I can only chant this person can really take up faith to challenge this situation, and all these good fortunes that I have accumulated this year must not be TAKEN AWAY, but more should be accumulated instead...
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
你不是真正的快乐(You are not the true happiness)
人群中哭着 你只想变成透明的颜色
你已经决定了 你已经决定了
你不是真正的快乐 你的笑只是你穿的保护色
你决定不恨了 也决定不爱了
这世界笑了 于是妳合群的一起笑了
你不是真正的快乐 你的笑只是你穿的保护色
你决定不恨了 也决定不爱了
你不是真正的快乐 你的伤从不肯完全的愈合
你值得真正的快乐 你应该脱下你穿的保护色
A very nice new song by MayDay about Happiness...
Saturday, October 25, 2008
说好的幸福呢 ?
妳的回話凌亂著 在這個時刻
我想起噴泉旁的白鴿 甜蜜散落了
情緒莫名的拉扯 我還愛妳呢
而妳斷斷續續唱著歌 假裝沒事了
時間過了 走了 愛情面臨選擇
妳冷了 倦了 我哭了
離開時的不快樂 妳用卡片手寫著
怎麼了 妳累了 說好的 幸福呢
我懂得 不說了 愛淡了 夢遠了
開心與不開心 一一細數著 妳再不捨
那些愛過的感覺都太深刻 我都還記得
妳不等了 說好的 幸福呢
我錯了 淚乾了 放手了 後悔了
只是回憶的音樂盒還旋轉著 要怎麼停呢
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Long Time No Blog
Quite a number of things happened after CFG... been meeting up with my Pri and Sec School friends and at the meantime, getting involved in yesterday concluded ITACSD O & G. Still some 12 weeks away from ORD, and exams' coming up this December.
Soo fast 2008's going to an end and now it's the final quarter of the year. How much resolutions have I achieved? Come and think of it, there's quite a number which I have not achieved. Perhaps I have to really make an effort to make victories happen, and in the meantime, chant for the wisdom and good fortune to make all these happen.
I am thinking of organising a big class 6F gathering by the end of the year to commemorate 10 years of graduation from Pei Chun Public School. Initially, I wanna make it in the midst of November, but since that month is going to be the exam month for those who are in Universities, guess I shall organise one after my exams in mid-December. Hope it will going to be a success, and there's quite a number of classmates whom I never met for 10 long years! Despite having some meet-ups with those usual old classmates these years...
Here's some round-ups since I have last blogged...
Dinner with 6F mates (In the picture: Adeline, Qiaolin, Mingfen, Me, JianMing and Jiayi)
Singing 9 hours of KTV on that very day...(6Fmates in the afternoon... the usual kakis in the night...)
Dinner to celebrate Perry's (belated) birthday... Zhenbang, Eboone, Me, LX, Perry, Joonkiat, Ashwin and Nic...
My catch of the night!
ITAC's O&G just yesterday...
Sunday, September 28, 2008
路太弯 梦在转
路太弯 爱在转
路太弯 梦在转
路太弯 爱在转
呼吸太乱 世界太宽 缘分毕竟太短
路太弯 梦在转
路太弯 爱在转
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Lists of changes throughout these past 10 years (Part 2)
2008: Mr Lee Hsien Loong, the Primer Minister. SR Nathan, the President. Goh Chok Tong, the Senior Minister and Lee Kuan Yew, the Minister Mentor.
1998: Toa Payoh Bus Interchange was located at where the HDB Hub is now, before relocating to the temporary site at the Toa Payoh Gardens. Popular was at 3rd level of Blk 190 and there were only 3 fast food chains... McDonald's and KFC plus Long John Silvers at the then-refurbished Toa Payoh Entertainment Centre. And one more thing... there's a departmental store by the name of Oriental.
2008: Toa Payoh Bus Interchange is part of the HDB Hub, an air-conditioned one. Popular is at the 2nd level of the interchange and there are more than 3 fast food chains...Subway, Mac, KFC, Burger King, Mos Burger, Pizza Hut and Long John's. Sizzler even opened one outlet above KFC... where the vegetarian restaurant used to operate... Oriental's no longer there.
1998: Pei Chun Public School consisted of 3 blocks... A, B and C. The front gate was along Toa Payoh Lor 6. Poi Ching School was our neighbouring school.
2008: PCPS moved to a new campus in 2001, where the old East Payoh Sec stood. A and B's no longer in use... seemed they have been refurbished and used for other purposes. C is part of the new campus and since underwent a massive renovation. The front gate is along Toa Payoh Lor 7. The original one near the Lor 6 bus stop is the back gate instead. Poi Ching School moved to Tampines in the 2000s, their old campus is now occupied by a Islamic school ?
1998: I never really involved in SSA activities, let alone starting to take up faith in Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism. But my uncle took me to attend their PD activities after completing my primary school education (known as Boys and Girls then that year...)
2008: I started chanting in 2003, received Gohonzon in 2004, and taking up leadership in end 2005. I involved in their Student Division activities from 2004 - 2006 with NPSD, and then once again end 2007 onwards with ITACSD. I took part in 3 NDPs (2004,2006,2008) since taking up faith, as well as 2005's YCF.
1998: My elder female cousins, Sheena and Melissa, were still schooling as Sec Sch student and Tertiary student respectively. The younger ones, such as Gerald and the younger Chias are still in Kindergarden. Yansen took PSLE with me in the same year.
2008: Sheena and Melissa are now married with kids. Gerald and the younger Chias are now in Secondary School. Yansen went through JC, NS earlier than me and now in NUS.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Remember Yakult's Tour...

Where am I? Just make a guess...
The date is 1997, Valentine's Day lolx! It's been a facebook craze of sharing memories with pri sch mates... These old photos are posted on facebook, thanks to Mingfen and Weimei (This pic is contributed by her.), while I have created a group page dedicated to the class 6F of 1998. So far 25 of them are added.
10 years is such a long time... many things happened throughout these years ever since we have graduated from Pei Chun Public School. The world has been ever changing, while we may have grown and switched our favourite things.
Here's some of the lists of changes throughout these past 10 years:
1998 - Backstreet Boys and Spice Girls used to rule the music scene, while mandarin songs were still ruled by those four heavenly kings, Jolin Tsai and Jay Chou were not even in the scene yet.
2008 - Jolin Tsai is my favourite female artist aka "Dreamgirl", while I roam the KTV with songs from Jay Chou, Alan Luo Zhi Xiang and Nicholas Teo. Emo boyband songs no longer rule the English music scene, and I hardly listen to English Songs...except for Avril Lavigne and Linkin Park perhaps?
1998 - There's a longest running TV comedy show by the name of "Comedy Night", while its main presenter Jack Neo and his sidekicks produced their record-breaking first ever movie by the name of "Money No Enough"... its quality not-so-good though.
2008 - "Comedy Night" no longer airs on Channel 8... but Jack Neo continues to make movies after movies, including 2008's Money No Enough 2... its quality is much much better.
1998 - Titanic hit the World's box office records and Leonardo Dicaprio became every girl's favourite boy. The year also saw another great Disaster movie in Armageddon starring Bruce Willis, Ben Affleck and Liv Tyler.
2008 - No movie overwrites Titanic's records but there were quite a number of great movies over these 10 years... Lord of the Rings, King Kong, Batman: The Dark Knight, Transformers, Harry Potter series, and of course, Spiderman series. Meanwhile, Leonardo Dicaprio had grown mature and became a better actor. Scarlett Johansson, Lindsay Lohan, Kirsten Durst... some of the Hollywood's hottest stars to name a few.
1998 - France won the World Cup at their home soil. Zinedine Zidane was the best footballer. Ronaldo was everyone's superstar. David Beckham got a red by giving a kick on Diego Simeone and became England's public enemy no.1, but he was ladies' favourite.
2008 - Spain won Euro 2008 in Austria. Zidane retired 2 years ago, after giving some head butt on Materazzi in the last World Cup Final, and this time, France lost the game... yet he was a legend of an era. Ronaldo became a World Cup winner and Golden Boot winner in 2002's finals, but soon his career faded once more...Overweight, Long-term injury again and went to look for some (AGUA) hookers. David Beckham married Posh Spice, won 'Treble' with Man U in 1999 and became England captain throughout these past 10 years... then joined Real Madrid and then LA Galaxy... his no.7 shirt at Man U was taken over by yet another ladies' favourite... Cristiano Ronaldo.
1998 - Liverpool was co-managed by Gerard Houllier and Roy Evans. Evans left halfway through the season though. Michael Owen was the GOLDEN boy, and he scored a legendary goal against Argentina in the World Cup.
2008 - Liverpool is co-owned by George Gillett and Tom Hicks. There's Rafa Benitez who replaced Houllier, and he led them to 2005's Champions League victory. Owen is at Newcastle United now instead(In between, he went to Real Madrid), while Fernando Torres is the golden boy in scoring and Steven Gerrard is the one who replaced Owen in every Reds fan's heart.
1998 - Team Singapore won just 3 golds at the Asian Games in Bangkok. The national football team won its first ever international trophy in Tiger Cup.
2008 - Team Singapore won a sliver in the Beijing Olympics,ending some 48-years of wait...while the national football team became the Champions of Southeast Asia in 2004/5 and 2007, and posed a tougher challenge to the rest of Asian powerhouses in football. Even though these teams consist of foreign talents... Meanwhile more recently, Singapore won a historical gold in Paralympics... this time by a swimmer who happened to be a student of Bendemeer Secondary School... Yip Pin Xiu.
1998 - F1 racing... a championship chase between Ferrari and McClaren... Michael Schumacher and Mika Hakkinen... Hakkinen and McClaren eventually won the season... and no one ever thinks Singapore will host a leg of the championship in the future...
2008 - Yet another two horse race between Ferrari and McClaren... Filippe Massa and Lewis Hamilton... while Hamilton is in the lead and Ferrari in the lead for constructors... and Singapore is going to host the first ever F1 night race... a street circuit... this coming Sunday night.
(More of the list to come through my brain-storming...)
Sengkang South Chapter Friendship Gathering
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Some thoughts...
But those newbie privates are really intolerable and they don't deserve to be in my dept afterall. Fancy 3 months ++ left to ORD and post these shits here to give extra challenges to me as a SGT?
Yeah...call them shits. Shits who have lower education, showing bad attitudes and don't give themselves a bright future in their lives along. Perhaps the society needs them around, to let them do what capable and bright people will not choose to do. Apologies if I have made such sterotyping and insulting remarks, and I have sounded arrogant... I am just being in some state of anger.
1 of the shits got a pretty-looking girlfriend, while I never have the good fortune to have even an average-looking one. Alrite, I should not be jealous over such a shit. Perhaps I must agree what many of my friends said, "butterflies attract butterflies, shits attract shits.", "Polish up your life and the right person may appear."
This NS stint has been a roller-coaster and challenging one for me... meeting different types of people throughout these 2 years, perhaps it is preparing me for the working life ahead ? Of course it is! I shall really learnt alot and applies alot, and do my human revolution. For those shits, if they choose not to listen and don't give themselves a chance to contribute to the society in the future, let them be.
There's other challenges and human revolution for me to take actions ahead, and I must really show actual proof at the end of this year to make a year of victorious one. These past two months I have seen disappointments and being frustrated and less-happier than the first half of the year before. I am looking more emo...emo-raged. Sounds like Enough Is Enough...
I just wanna bucked up.
Friday, September 12, 2008

Sunday, September 7, 2008
Chapter Friendship Gathering: Part 1
Last night was a tremendous success for the first chapter of the SK family to hold its CFG. I was particularly involved in the youth dance, a joint group by SKE and SKS. Well, I never practise much leading up to this CFG, but I manage to play my best for this performance. Meanwhile, last nite's CFG also invited Jiu Jian, a fellow member of SSA and of course, one of the judges of the ongoing Superband competition. He shared a testimonial to the audience involved.
In 2 weeks time, SK Central and SK South will be holding their CFGs at the same venue, Tampines Soka Centre. Most Notably, the one on 21 Sep, 3.30pm as it is my chapter, Sengkang South, to hold its first ever CFG in history. I will be there once again, performing out the youth dance. Not sure whether the group will be involved in the CFG of SK Central though, but nevertheless at least I will be there giving them a help as logistics perhaps, if the group is not performing the youth dance.
This September, let's build victories and let our lives shine with absolute happiness !
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
TOP 10: Songs that sang on KTV (Love Song Category)
Anyway, at times I shall list out some top 5, top 10 of my favourites... starting with songs that sang on KTV. (Ranking not in Particular Order)
1) 小丑鱼(Little Clown Fish) by 罗志祥(Alan Luo)
"lady lady one more try,再试着了解我的爱,发不出声音的感慨,选择作朋友的无奈..."
2) 转机(Turnaround) by 潘玮柏(Wilbur Pan)
3) 我爱的人(The person I love) by 陈小春(Jordan Chan)
4) 背叛(Betrayal) by 曹格(Gary Chaw)
"把手放开不问一句say goodbye,当作最后一次对你的溺爱,冷冷清清淡淡今后都不管,只要你能愉快..."
5) 洋葱(Onion) by 杨宗纬(Aska Yang)
(By the way, this is not the chorus...)
6) 好朋友(Good friends) by Alan Luo
(This are the beginning words of the song...)
7) 错了再错(Mistakes after Mistakes) by 张栋梁(Nicholas Teo)
Although this song I have never played for long, it is one of my all-time favourites.
8) 残废(Crippled) by 吴克群(Kenji Wu)
9) 我不配(I'm not fit!) by 周杰伦(Jay Chou)
10) 别太温柔(Don't be too gentle) by Kenji Wu
Monday, September 1, 2008
Reblog, Repost: 爱不在
我和你的错 就是舍不得放手
深爱你的我 早就应该让你自由
知道我以后 需要一直往前走
也许是越在乎 越会彼此的伤害
这样的爱情 又算是什么
爱不在 应该让自己从回忆中离开
爱不在 我们都已不存在彼此未来
有时候 对爱有太深太多依赖
好像你失去在这世界 还能够
是曾经有的梦 现在只剩一场空
心里好多疑问 你忘了你的承诺
笑我自己没有用 眼泪无言的流下来
知道还是要面对 这段感情的伤痛
是因为越在乎 给彼此伤害更多
有了距离以后 看到不同的你和我
爱不在 慢慢让自己从回忆中离开
爱不在 我们都已不存在彼此未来
有时候 对你还是会有关怀
可是心里已经太明白 不是爱...不是爱
爱不在 应该让自己从回忆中离开
爱不在 我们都已不存在彼此未来
有时候 不管对爱有多少的依赖
就算再不愿意再伤心 我明白
On this day 1 year ago...
Alright, there's still injustice in things around and I felt all these sense of injustices, especially when there's no absolute turnarounds and breakthroughs. I am not saying that there's no breakthroughs and victories at all for the past one year, there are do accomplishments in my growth, as well as passing IPPT and promoting as SGT...etc, just that in this aspect of my life, things are still looking stagnant.
Alright...I am not going to say "Love Hurts", "Love Disappoints" or cursing or swearing myself of being "F**king single with only one-sided relationships" or whatever. This is my heavy karma but I am NOT admit to defeat. I really need a lot, a lot, a lot of good fortune and confidence in not just this damned love life of mine, but also other aspects of my life.
Today may be a time to remember those unwanted false-dawn disappointing memories of last year, but it is also a time to renew my determination to achieve those resolutions which I fail to achieve in 2008.
While this September is the month of Chapter Friendship Gathering(CFG), what a time to take actions to achieve my breakthroughs in life and contribute to the CFG for Sengkang South Chapter to make it a victorious one for this new chapter.
There's 4 months to go for 2008...and by that time I am going to ORD, I really need to win, to breakthrough, to grow.
And let happiness finally steps in my door.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Sometimes when we touch
You ask me if I love you
And I choke on my reply
I'd rather hurt you honestly
Then mislead you with a lie
And who am I to judge you
On what you say or do?
I'm only just beginning to see the real you
And sometimes when we touch
The honesty's too much
And I have to close my eyes and hide
I wanna hold you til I die
Till we both break down and cry
I wanna hold you till the fear in me subsides
Romance and all its strategy
Leaves me battling with my pride
But through the insecurity
Some tenderness survives
I'm just another writer
Still trapped within my truth
A hesitant prize fighter
Still trapped within my youth
And sometimes when we touch
The honesty's too much
And I have to close my eyes and hide
I wanna hold you til I die
Till we both break down and cry
I wanna hold you till the fear in me subsides
At times I'd like to break you
And drive you to your knees
At times I'd like to break through
And hold you endlessly
At times I understand you
And I know how hard you've tried
I've watched while love commands you
And I've watched love pass you by
At times I think we're drifters
Still searching for a friend
A brother or a sister
But then the passion flares again
And sometimes when we touch
The honesty's too much
And I have to close my eyes and hide
I wanna hold you til I die
Till we both break down and cry
I wanna hold you till the fear in me subsides
Guess I 'fall in love' with this song.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Are we really proud of the sliver ?
Well, I am glad that Singapore finally clinched a sliver in the Beijing Olympics after such 48 years of wait, but for some of my friends whom I know, they are not joyful about this national glory. The reasons are obvious.
"Not proud of it when they are foreign talents..."
"This is not a Singapore team."
etc... etc...
But shouldn't we appreciate these paddlers and other non-local born athletes for bringing glory to their adopted nation?...at least they worked and fought hard to win medals for the country, putting Singapore into the World map of sports. Furthermore think about it... How many local athletes will have such will and determination like them? How many local athletes are willing to commit themselves to train full-time and dedicated themselves to the sports whole-day long just to bring glory for Singapore? Already National Service in Singapore is getting easier year after year, yet there are still people who are complaining over silly little matters, even to the extent of calling up their mums...(Just like O.)
I am not criticising my own people for not working as hard as these foreign talents. There are do some local athletes who are training full-time and working as hard as them...just that we should really appreciate these foreign-born athletes who bring victories for the country, and not labelling them as "foreign-talents". And I can say there are foreign-born athletes who are looking more like Singaporeans, rather than nationals of where they born. Sportsman/woman such as Tao Li, who recently finished 5th in Swimming... I can tell she does more have a Singapore-speaking accent based on what I have seen on TV.
While these foreign-talents will continue to bring more glories to their adopted country in the years to come, I also hope that our local-born athletes, most notably of the national sailing team, can bring victories that can send Singapore to the world stage.
By then hopefully, those who do have a bad opinion about "Foreign-Talent Scheme", will not be saying words like, "Not proud of it".
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Busy Saturday
Meanwhile, I really enjoyed the KTV and BBQ session with c5 mates... guess I will surely miss them after months of NDP training... more rounds of gatherings k ? Manjong, KTV, BBQ, chalet...etc......
Eating session...
Taking pictures with Lee Peng, Sijin, Shirui, Winnie and Sherlyn...
Our Cooking Team...
One last pic before we go...(Not in picture, Perry, Winnie & Sherlyn)
While just now, our TEAM Singapore finally ended their waiting game -- an Olympic medal at last !!! The 48 years of wait's finally over. While the Women's table tennis team was whitewashed by the dominant China Team in the final, it was a nail-bitting experience to see them play a 3 and 1/2 hour long semi final cruncher against South Korea. But in the end, we made it through and a medal at last... a sliver eventually.
Tomorrow is Monday...a brand new week especially after those celebrations'mood. I shall work much harder for my studies, the remaining NS months and of course, the upcoming Chapter Friendship Meeting...
More victories and good good fortune in the future... :D
Sunday, August 10, 2008
NDP 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Olympics and NDP...
To be true, I will be ultimately and extremely disappointed if my beloved country, Singapore, fails to bring back a medal home this time around. Perhaps most of the Singaporeans are like me, have seen enough of the nation's underachievements at this once-every-4-year Worldwide sports event. (Just like how I have seen enough of the failures of one particular aspect of my life...)
48 years of hurt is enough... We have made tremendous breakthrough in SEA Games, Asian Games and the Commonwealth Games in recent years, why not the Olympics? Meanwhile this current contingent of TEAM Singapore is perhaps the best in years, with table tennis having the best chances (So what if the Women's team faces tricky opponents in the group stage?), as well as perhaps, badminton, sailing and even shooting... I sincerely hope that TEAM Singapore can finally end those years of hurt, and I really wanna see the word S-I-N-G-A-P-O-R-E finally appears on the Medal Tally Table at the end of the games. SHINE FOR SINGAPORE!
090808...National Day Parade
After 4 months of burning Saturdays (Do I see those days burning? Nope...I really enjoy them!), Wednesday or Thursday, the actual day is here. Well, the devilish function of sanshoshima(3 Obstacles & 4 Devils) may have led me to some stage of emoness, tiredness, disappointments... this time around I must not led myself back to pessimism again. Alright these days, I may have seen myself being less happier than before, but this must come to an end !!! I just wanna truly enjoy the day tomorrow and after tomorrow, prepare myself for post-NDP commitments and future plans.
Let's rebuild my confidence from now on... enough of my emoness. No one will like a person who is OVER emo. Meanwhile, I really enjoy those trainings for the past 4 months, making more new friends and building stronger bonds with the older ones(All those makan sessions with ITAC peeps...etc), while I made a breakthrough in inviting my friend, Perry, in joining NDP. In future, I shall invite more friends in joining this annual event...
Just like TEAM Singapore, Group c5 and the rest of SSA participants shall SHINE for Singapore tomorrow too!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
三公分阳光 三公分空气
挡住了你表情 剩下只有脚印
一直向前走 走不完距离
Sunday, August 3, 2008
爱不在 (By Melody)
坐在这角落 心里很多话想说
我和你的错 就是舍不得放手
深爱你的我 早就应该让你自由
知道我以后 需要一直往前走
也许是越在乎 越会彼此的伤害
这样的爱情 又算是什么
爱不在 应该让自己从回忆中离开
爱不在 我们都已不存在彼此未来
有时候 对爱有太深太多依赖
好像你失去在这世界 还能够
是曾经有的梦 现在只剩一场空
心里好多疑问 你忘了你的承诺
笑我自己没有用 眼泪无言的流下来
知道还是要面对 这段感情的伤痛
是因为越在乎 给彼此伤害更多
有了距离以后 看到不同的你和我
爱不在 慢慢让自己从回忆中离开
爱不在 我们都已不存在彼此未来
有时候 对你还是会有关怀
可是心里已经太明白 不是爱
爱不在 应该让自己从回忆中离开
爱不在 我们都已不存在彼此未来
有时候 不管对爱有多少的依赖
就算再不愿意再伤心 我明白
I should be happy
The (Continuous) lack of lovelife, the lack of fate of finding the right person in my life... I don't know why I have been worried about my lovelife when a man should have worked hard to be a capable person and thus-love-will-come...
Perhaps I am 22 now(Soon to be 22.5 years old when NDP comes) and yet I never have a chance of having a relationship...
Perhaps I have gone through 10 years of hurt... the hurt of loving someone but not being loved the other way around... the hurt of having friendships with the particular person ruined... the hurt of not having the good fortune to find the right person while the others do...the hurt of having such a bad bad "LOVE" karma...
Perhaps the sense of loneliness at times...
I am not barking of not having a relationship and I am not being a desperado... Just that sometimes being single (for such a long period) can feel soo dreadful and the sense of emptiness at times. Once again, what I can do is to continue to work hard in my life, polish hard in my life and good fortune to come to find the right person to appear...
NDP's ending soon... and it seems that "lonely,boring" weekends will be back once it's over... I hope not. There are other things to do... such as playing football with Bendemeer lads, such as going for gakkai activities... such as putting more time on studies...such as doing some catching ups with friends... I just wanna create values in my daily life afterall...
and NOT let the sense of emptiness and my bad love history bothers me.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
But too bad...
凌晨的飞机 随歌忐忑飞行
我哪里都不想擦去 到哪里痛楚计算清
怕遗憾拖远 易碎的情绪我收听
想你在一起 我却身不由己
你每次伤心 我每次缺席 遥远的距离
没想到陌生机场 写下结局
我放不过我自己 转一圈回到了原地
眼泪是一种提醒我很爱你 让一切归零
我放不过我自己 仍相信爱会有奇迹
人群中我正逃离 我抱着你
想你在一起 我却身不由己
你每次伤心 我每次缺席 遥远的距离
没想到陌生机场 写下结局
我放不过我自己 转一圈回到了原地
眼泪是一种提醒我很爱你 让一切归零
我放不过我自己 仍相信爱会有奇迹
人群中我正逃离 我抱着你
我放不过我自己 转一圈回到了原地
眼泪是一种提醒我很爱你 让一切归零
我放不过我自己 仍相信爱会有奇迹
寻找我们的转机 我抱着你
我放不过 我自己眼泪是一种提醒
我放不过 我自己眼泪是一种提醒
我们的 我们的我们的爱爱爱爱
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Ending The Waiting Game
Take both Tennis World no.1 Roger Federer and Badminton World no.1 Lin Dan for example. Both dominate their respective sports scene in recent years, being the top of the world for a couple of years, winning grand slams after grand slams... yet they fail to capture the Olympic Gold since the start of their careers. Lin Dan, most notably, was (surprisingly) beaten by Singapore's Ronald Susilo in the opening round of the Athens Games 4 years ago...
Both are still at the top of their games now.(Even though Federer ended his Wimbledon winning run recently to the World no.2 Rafael Nadal...)... and they are there in Beijing to end such hurtful run in the Olympics if not they will have to wait another 4 years...
Next is the Brazil Olympics Football Team... as we know...the Brazilians is the greatest football nation... 5 times World Champions. Yet in the history of the Olympics, they had never won the GOLD, despite producing legends like Pele, Zico, Ronaldo...to add salt to their wounds, bitter South American Arch Rivals -- Argentina, was the winner 4 years ago (while the Brazilians did not even qualify.)... while lesser known footballing nations like Nigeria, Cameroon, Poland, Belgium and even Canada won the gold before. While the Olympics squad(a team of u23 players + 3 overage players) will step foot in Singapore to set up their training camp and play a friendly against a Singapore Selection side, the team, which perhaps the strongest Olympics side consisting of stars like Ronaldinho, Lucas, Diego, Anderson, Pato and Jo...etc etc, will be out to end that long wait of a GOLD medal.
Speaking of the Olympics, another team which is out to end such long years of hurt is our TEAM Singapore. When was the last time Singapore won a medal? 48 years ago... when Singapore has just started self-governance, had not joined Malaysia yet, let alone gained independence... and the lone medal, a sliver, was won by Tan Howe Liang... a Weightlifter. During those days... Singapore was just a 3rd World country... of course no talks of monetary rewards like what it is now.
While in recent years, we may have won lots of medals in Commonwealth, Asian and SEA Games, breaking medal tally after medal tally records... we have been fallen short of a second Olympic medal in history. 4 years ago it is soo hurtful to see Singapore getting soo far yet soo close to just a medal... I remembered watching Susilo on TV mobile in the bus... getting thrashed in the quarter finals by a Thai shuttler by the name of Boonsak Ponsana despite looking promising especially after the win over Lin Dan. Then the next disappointments... an agonizing 4th...yet another 4th in Table Tennis. That time was by (Susilo's then gf) Li Jia Wei... when she could have won the semi-finals earlier. That's a saying, "Being 2nd is nothing."... but for Team Singapore in the Olympics, "Being 4th is no Medal...not even bronze."
While the opening of the Olympics took place on 8 Aug, our National Day is a day later. Please do the nation proud by capturing a medal... finally...We have enough of waiting for just a Olympic medal when we saw our neighbouring countries had their names in the medal tally over the years.
Over in football, the new football season starts next month too... Liverpool once again... determines to end the soon-to-be 19 years of long wait for a domestic league title, although the challenges are getting harder and harder over the years, especially with the wealthiness of Chelsea and Man U. And the Reds are looking soo cash-strapped just to bid for a midfielder named Gareth Barry !!!
Newcastle United... a football club with a large fan base, with one of the largest stadiums in England, yet being a very unachieving side over soo many years. The last time they won a major trophy was in 1969. And for that almost 50 years, teams like Wimbledon(now MK Dons...???), Coventry City, Portsmouth...etc etc achieved glories. Even the legendary Alan Shearer could not help taking his hometown club to glory during his stint at the club. For the new season, I do hope they can breakthrough, win something like League Cup or FA Cup perhaps.
In my own point of view, everyone will also have to play these "waiting games" in their various aspects of life, be it in Career, Studies, Sports and Relationships... it's kind of overcoming "karma", challenges which one ought to breakthrough. Take the case of myself, I have been playing the waiting game of "finding the right one", a true love aka soulmate...especially when I had to go through a couple of heart-breaking, "no-chance", one-sided relationships in the past 10 years of hurt. I am not being desperate, just that being single for that long and never have a relationship before sometimes may feel the emptiness inside. 一个人偶尔感到寂寞再所难免...
I may have said all these before. But I have to overcome such heavy karma and have the good fortune to find the right one, and no more one-sided love hurts.
Monday, July 21, 2008
(Meanwhile, Elva Hsiao is really elegant and good-looking in this MV.)
Sunday, July 20, 2008
NDP NE Show 3
Perry, Peter and Me... here we are...before the show starts.
The "family" photo of ITACSD after the entire NE Show 3.
Me, David and Mavis......Let's have a big "family" photo with the rest of the M&D Crew someday up till the actual day...
Another "family" photo of ITACSD taken during the recent Nationwide SD meeting...as part of a birthday card for Lijia, one of our newly promoted IICs. Well... a somehow belated birthday present.
Friday, July 18, 2008
遥远的看着你 空气好冷
我走在阳光下 像个幽魂
你等着那个人 无悔无恨
我在人点终点之间 难舍难分
多少次想对你大声说出 有人为你偷偷在哭
为了他再多苦你都忍住 我的温柔 你不在乎
你的心没权交给我 我的煎熬却不能说
最近的幸福 最遥远的路 谁的错
是朋友是情人 我不追问
是痴心是愚蠢 你不心疼
每个人的人生 更有旅程
你的世界 我的存在 像个路人
多少次想对你大声说出 有人为你偷偷在哭
为了他再多苦你都忍住 我的温柔 你不在乎
你的心没权交给我 我的煎熬却不能说
最近的幸福 最遥远的路 谁的错
多少次想对你大声说出 有人为你偷偷在哭
为了他再多苦你都忍住 我的温柔 你不在乎
你的心没权交给我 我的煎熬却不能说
最近的幸福 最遥远的路 谁的错
Friday, July 11, 2008
I am not a good son
Well, now it looks more like I fail to do my human revolution at home.
That's why I say I am not a good son.
Sad to say... there's a communication gap between me and parents. Lack of understanding perhaps... while my father is one who just wanna keeps his problems to himself. I got nothing to say...
I am just being a "perennial underachiever".... a "perennial underachiever" in studies, in love, in sports, in family, or perhaps... in life. But I have been trying hard to shed off this tag in recent times, just like how Spain did in football. Perhaps, the word which I type -- "trying hard" doesn't mean I have tried a lot. Not a lot.
I have a positive first 6 months in 2008. Now it seems like devilish functions are coming over and running over me again... just like how they did in the past.
I never want to see disappointments in the end (again).
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Keeping Me Busy
I just completed VSCC(Vocationalist Section Commander Course) yesterday at CDA yesterday. Well, it's been challenging when I gotta woke at around 5.30-5.45am and then took the train and bus to CDA for the 9 day long course(Minus weekends), and then went for various gakkai activities/NDP trainings after the course ended on that day. Anyway, struggling makes people grow.
Today I could have gone back to HQ, but I am down with flu, cough and some gastric problems. Anyway, there's gonna lots of work to do when I came back! Meanwhile, gakkai activities have been intensive especially when the Chapter Friendship Meeting drawing nearer and nearer. Many meetings and preparations coming up for my chapter side and at this time, there's the case of "Chapter vs SD" issue when activities have been clashing with each other at the same timings,especially where I am involved in(This saturday's institution meeting as well as the intensified preparations, daimokukais, homevisits campaigns, rallying, leaders meetings for CFG, and also upcoming YMD formation day). Sounds like those issues like "Club vs Country" in football when clubs trying to stop footballers like Ronaldinho and Kaka playing for their country in the upcoming Beijing Olympics because of the football clubs are preparing for the new season in the same month which is August???
Well, it's a good training in schedule planning and juggling with activities. Meanwhile, let's hope more money come into my bank account than before. You know what I mean.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Halfway Through This Year
Well, to me... I could still remember those list of resolutions which I put in front of my Gohonzon as well as being mentioned in the "opening months" of this blog. Well, I did achieved few of them... such as the IPPT victory last week. Meanwhile, I will continue to work hard, extremely hard to achieve the many rest of them. Throughout these 6 months or soo, gakkai activities and part-time studies have been keeping me busy. Especially gakkai activities, they had kept me occupied, and I been creating values and accumulating good fortune. These must not stop. And I must not stop. There's another 6 months to go to conclude whether 2008 will be a victorious one or a scr*wed one.
Blogging all these resolutions sounds like I am out to create victories in 2008. Well...I was underachieving these past years...just like Spain. The Spanish national football team had been perennial underachievers in football... but they have been proving to everyone that they can win as seen in Euro 2008. Well, they had broken their "karma" of "losing penalty-shootouts on 22 June" by beating the Italians on this very day this year. Then, they qualified for the final for the first time in 24 years by whacking the Russians(Sweet Revenge for the Dutch? When I was disappointed to see a attacking and exciting Holland being knocked out by the Russians...) by 3 goals last night. Come, Sunday night/Monday early morning, they will be facing the Germans in the final in the bid to win the trophy that they last won in 1964.
If the Spaniards can do it, I can also do it.
If I can overcome my "pull-up" flops and pass my IPPT, then i am should be able to achieve in other aspects of my life.
Meanwhile, here are some of the pictures taken during Chang Quan and Huiying's weddings using my own camera last Sunday.
With my uncle's family...
With Our General Director, Mr Ong Bon Chai...
Me, Sihan and Doris... ITACians who attended the wedding...
Friday, June 20, 2008
A Victory that finally comes...
I finally pass my IPPT in the same afternoon where particularly, I break my personal best in 2.4km run and of course, overcoming the "karma" of failing pull-ups . Many people may think that passing IPPT is like kind of chicken feet, but to me, it's a breakthrough in my life of recent years. For the past years, besides playing some football, overall my fitness is bad, and I don't even bother to go to gym for workout. It's the start of the 2008 that I enter gym on a weekly basis in a bid to improve my fitness and build my body. It was just late last year when I score a big fat ZERO in pull-ups without putting much effort but now I manage to do 6 pull-ups at one go. As for running, I endure my way up to complete that 6 rounds of run, with chanting of daimoku through my heart and thinking of all those positive things that may happen ahead and those blunders that happened in my past which inspires me NOT to lose this time.
While passing IPPT is just a first step to promotion as SGT (That's still a SGT course to go through for the first 2 weeks in July) and the first step to one of my resolutions of my "personal quadruple" to be achieved in August, it is not the end of my workout in gym. I will still be continuing to work out in gym and also attempting to improve the number of pull-ups. Meanwhile, I am thinking of playing some sports with fellow colleagues besides going gym during lunch hours, badminton or football anyone ?
Tomorrow's the first Combined Rehearsal of NDP. It will be a long day but it must be fun too. Meanwhile, hope to see my friends who are in the matching contingent of SCDF.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Feeling Emo ?
After soo many months, I had got over her.
I really got over her.
Well... the question is... why do I feel soo "embarrassed" when I met her last Friday night ? It was at the same place where I was helping out with my fellow ITAC mates for the 90 Sec Presentation and she was there, attending another meeting over there. What a coincidence but soo what ? She gave me a very simple yet "may look soo reluctant" smile, or did she ??? But overall that evening, we were just merely passer-bys. just 擦肩而过...
It's disappointing to lose a friend after some incidents... but did she even give me a chance to know her better ? I am not blogging here to criticise her or something. Perhaps, she's not meant for me afterall. Merely a passer-by in my life but I want to thank her.
Without this saga which occurred not soo long ago, I will never have been stronger in my faith than before, involving more in gakkai activities and putting more efforts in polishing my life, doing my human revolution.
Alright... stop emoing about what's happen on that evening... after all, it's just a small matter thing when you met someone you knew which you never seen for quite a long time. While on this occasion where I mentioned earlier, I was doing some touch-ups on the props for the 90 sec presentation with my fellow ITAC mates. Well, I really cherished those moments doing things for Kosen Rufu along with my ITAC brothers and sisters. (Not to forget, my chapter side, though.)
And there it is, the actual day of the Nationwide SD meeting. It was also the same occasion when I was "officially" back to SD, taking up the CIC role again. Like what I told Jiyang previously during a dialogue with him, I am ready to give myself a 2nd chance as a CIC, after not doing well previously in my NPSD days.
Could they win the trophy which they last won 20 years ago? By the way, their current coach, Marco Van Basten, a legendary goal-poacher for his country and AC Milan, was the star of Euro'88.
I shall not blog for too long... need to catch some sleep for Germany-Austria final group game clash. A do-or-die one.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
I am not talking about yet another love tale of my life.(Of course, I won't like someone who is THAT materialistic. And well in real life, if only there's a right person who is really there for me rather than "我爱的人不是我的爱人, 她心里每一寸都属于另一个人" or those one-sided, broken relationships or whatsoever relationship karma...) That "she" refers to the Sergeant rank that I am wanting for... come this August. Though it's gonna be bigger responsibilities in NS, it also means pay raise!!! But too bad... I have to overcome the "Pull-Up" karma. Those "diamonds" that I am saying refers to passing IPPT.
Last Tuesday was such a disappointing day. I could only do 3 times... rather than the passing standard of 6. No point of doing other stations when I got to achieve 15 points in other IPPT stations before I can retake just pull-up in the retest, since my scores in other stations are just average, I chose to leave before the 2.4 km run. There's 18 days left for me to pass the entire IPPT and qualified for that SGT course.
After some other disappointing moments which happened in my life recently, it seems that passing IPPT and going for the SGT course is the only thing that I can realistically achieve at this stage.
It's all or nothing.
Well... I missed my NDP training today. Not feeling well today... feeling emo perhaps. Nowadays I been also involving in the preparations the 90 sec presentation for ITAC as well as catching some EURO 2008 matches after the exams... while sacrificing some sleep for all these, I spent lunch hours going gym, training for my IPPT rather than taking some power nap. Meanwhile, something happened to my cousin. I don't wish to blog what really happen to him... for now.
I just don't wanna get tired... I just wanna play my part in the preparations for the 90 sec presentations alongside my fellow ITAC mates and other gakkai activities and encourage everyone around me. I don't wish to fall by all these mixed feelings and bitter disappointments...(Oh... are they really bitter ???)
Finally, to end this post, I shall post this video which has a part of its lyrics as the title of this blog.
我爱的人 by 林宥嘉... he's done better than the original singer, Jordan Chan... Though Jordan's version also not bad and his expressions in his MV is more EMO... it's such a sad song afterall when it relates about you like someone, but she is attached with someone else, and it seems that you do not have a chance afterall... that kind of sh*tty feelings...
Ha... call me king of 苦情歌(Bitter love songs) if you like...
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
It's Over.
What I can say is they are tougher than what I expected... or perhaps I am just being complacent after clearing 2 papers which deemed to be soo chicken feet last year.
ACCA is not easy afterall... and that's a long, long way to go.
Now, I shall plan how my "June holidays" should go about. I don't wanna spend the whole month sinking into the passion and fever of football. Yeah... Euro 2008.
How times flies... it's seems like yesterday when the Greeks broke the hearts of the Portugueses. And I was disappointed back then... they don't deserve to win with such negative tactics. The likes of Figo, Rui Costa and C Ronaldo deserved though.
This edition of the tournament though...there's something missing. That's my beloved three lions...England. They did not perform well at the Qualifiers and seriously flopped in front of their home fans at Wembley, against Croatia in the decisive match. And it cost a place in the final tournament taking place in Switzerland and Austria starting this weekend.
Alright...no Gerrard, no Beckham, no Rooney, no Terry, no Lampard... but that's Torres, Fabregas and Casillas. I shall root for Spain in this tournament. But too bad... Raul isn't part of the squad. He deserves to be there though. Other teams good to watch are Portugal, France, Italy and Germany. I don't really like the Dutch though. They are a good team yet they are always disunited. Always the lack of itai-doshin spirit. (Many in Body, One in Mind...)
Meanwhile, my house is open for viewing of this once every 4 years 2nd biggest football tournament after the World Cup.
Well... June is not just about football. I shall contribute more and WELL... in my gakkai activities, most notably, preparations for September's Chapter Friendship Gathering. There's NDP rehearsals and trainings coming up also... around 2 more months to National Day, as well as various ITAC activities such as the upcoming Nationwide SD meeting. I just wanna create values in all these activities.
Not to forget, continue to go gym and train for pull ups.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
1 More Critical Week...
There's one final week for me to have a very intensive revisions for my exams. I mean Intensive, because there's really alot for me to absorb what I have learnt throughout these 5 months since the start of the year.
Yesterday I was tired... after every NDP trainings I felt like a drunkard... a drunkard of tiredness. Well, why I say so? Perhaps I am too afraid to say the wrong words to my fellow friends cos of my tiredness, too afraid to misbehave like looking so "rude" due to my tiredness... Come on, this NDP I really wanna have the HIGH-life condition to encourage my C5 groupmates and friends around me, to make them smiles despite all these tiredness...I wanna make this NDP the BEST ever since my first participation in 2004.
All those "persecutions" faced in NS must not be a major problem that I face now. Looking back, I must think positively that there are other commitments other than NS (Gakkai activities, studies) which enable me to grow and breakthrough. And those "persecutions" are valuable lessons in life that I have learnt.
There's soo much to breakthrough this summer, especially when the Chapter Friendship Meeting preparations is getting more intensive as well as the NDP. I just don't wanna feel tired. I just don't wanna to laze around. I just don't wanna think soo much. I just wanna do the things that I should do...... and WIN.
Friday, May 23, 2008
There's a thousand words that I could say
To make you come home
Yeah, seems so long ago you walked away
and Left me alone
I remember what you said to me
You were acting so strange
and maybe I was too blind to see
That you needed a change
Was it something I said
To make you turn away?
To make you walk out and leave me cold
If I could just find a way
To make it so that you were right here
But right now...
I've been sitting here
Can't get you off my mind
I've tried my best to be a man and be strong
I've drove myself insane
Wishing I could touch your face
But the truth remains..
You're gone..
You're gone..
Baby you're gone
Girl you're gone, baby girl,
you're gone..
I don't wanna make excuses, baby
Won't change the fact that you're gone
But if there's something that I could do
Won't you please let me know?
Time is passing so slowly now
Guess that's my life without you
and maybe I could change my every day
But baby I don't want to
So I'll just hang around
and find some things to do
To take my mind off missing you
and I know in my heart
You can't say that you don't love me too
Please say you do
Yeeaah....I've been sitting here
Can't get you off my mind
I've tried my best to be a man and be strong
I Drove myself insane
Wishing I could touch your face
But the truth remains
You're gone..
You're gone..
You're gone
You're gone...
you're gone.. you're....gone
Oh what'll I do
If I can't be with you
Tell me where will I turn to
Baby where will I be
Now that we are apart
Am I still in your heart?
Baby why don't you see?
That I need you here with me
Oohhh...I've been sitting here
Can't get you off my mind
I've tried my best to be a man and be strong
I've drove myself insane
Wishing I could touch your face
But the truth remains
Been sitting here
Can't get you off my mind
I've tried my best to be a man and be strong
I drove myself insane
Wishing I could touch your face
But the truth remains
You're gone..
You're gone..
You're gone
You're gone
You're gone..
But the truth remains