5) Star Trek
Surprise entry to my list. While I am more towards the franchise of Star Wars, the latest movie of the Star Trek franchise which seemed like a remake, had a good storyline plot with exciting and dynamic fighting scenes.
4) Red Cliff Part 2 (赤壁2)
The 2nd part of the movie which hit the screens in the early months of the year. It was where the main battle of Red Cliff took place... The movie which had the all star cast of Takeshi Kaneshiro, Tony Leung and Lin-Chiling never disappoint us though.
3) X-Men Origins: Wolverine
The prequel which told the story of Wolverine. It was one of the must-watch shows besides Transformers.

2) (500) Days of Summer
Another surprise entry in my list... I went to catch this movie with fellow ITAC peeps after our Friday's TGIF session. It told the story about a guy's relationship with a girl named Summer, the process of being together, getting hurt after the break, getting the disappointments after the girl had engaged and then the process of moving on. It was quite a meaningful show for guys like me.
1) Transformers 2: Revenge of the fallen
The movie of the year... What's more can I say?

Television Dramas: A year of watching too many TVB dramas...
5) Heart of Greed (溏心风暴)
The show had 2 reruns in Singapore on Channel 55 and Channel 8 respectively and still, it was worth a mention in the list. The no.1 drama in Hong Kong in 2007 while its sequel was the top in 2008...
4) Your class or mine (尖子攻略)
A drama about a youth football club trying to reach the top football division in Hong Kong while their best players vying to work hard and score for their O-Levels equivalent. While its theme was football, it reflected alot about the importance of education, something I had self-realised alot for the year. Worth to mention that this 2008 production's featuring Sheren Tang(邓萃雯), the best actress in the HK television industry for this year.
3) A journey called life (金石良缘)
A very meaningful drama, and it's one of the factors which inspired me to take part in a marathon at the very end of the year. It's about not giving up hopes in life despite how much adversities and unhappiness we may encounter.
The only 2009's drama that's on my list (Too bad, I seldom rent the latest TVB dramas.)
While it's the 3rd installment of the police series (Previous being The Academy(学警雄心) and On the first beat(学警出更)), the show brought a certain Laughing Gor to fame. Michael Tse(谢天华), whose was first known as a sidekick in the Gu Wah Zai series, finally got his name after some long years as a supporting actor, even though Laughing Gor was a supporting role. In fact, through the show, Laughing Gor made too many sacrifices, especially his youthful years, to become an undercover for the police to nab the triad.
Will you dare to make such sacrifices in order to do something good ?
1) Moonlight Resonance (溏心风暴之家好月园)
Yesh... I am late but it's definitely the best show I had watched this year. The sequel to Heart of Greed though it had a much different storyline with the same cast. It told a story how a mother who was dumped by her husband some 12 years ago, managed to bring united together her children and won her husband back through her sincerity and actions, while the villianess who was the 3rd party to the marriage, tried her scheming ways to break the family up.
Worth to mention that the sub-theme song for the show, sang by Raymond Lam, was in my top 10 list for the songs of the year.
PS: There were many solid shows in Hong Kong in 2009, most notably Rosy Business(巾幗梟雄) and Beyond The Realm of Conscience(宮心計), too bad I never took time to watch. I shall catch them in the new year to come.
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