Friday, June 5, 2009


From the moment the incompleted F3 paper due to the lack of time has ended, it seems that my pursuit of ACCA is over...

Or perhaps it spells the end of the old Chia Yiheng.

It just summarized all my karmas for my past lifetime.

Don't speak of my family karma that plagued me since 5... don't speak of my disappointment in PSLE... what I can say now is I could have planned my future much more wisely and much more determined at the age of the age of the age of 21.

Soo many "What-if" but what can I say ?

I can only say WRONG decisions of my educational path... WRONG focus in my life. I have paid the price for my laziness, my stupidity, my desperateness, my emoness, my childishness and my lack of the end, nothing comes at both my studies and my love life.

Dear friends, you can criticise me for being that DOWN... you can accuse me for not looking forward to the future... I know that's no use looking back and wondering... but HOW NOT TO when when soo many wrong decisions are made and they prove that costly ???

Soo what if I have worked soo hard for that SGT rank during NS but in the end NS is just a fucking waste of time and I continue to lose my respects from the peers ???

I may criticise how shit is Newcastle United in English football...but at the end of the day, I am nothing better than terms of my personal achievements and victories.

Now what next...??? Pursuing a future in teaching chinese ? Signing on with the police force ? I just have to think seriously...

But right now, I have only myself to blame...and I don't deserve to love anyone......including her.

1 comment:

Jian Fu said...

Actually, I do not get to the university this year round. After waiting for a year time. I felt depressed also. I do not have a job, can't get to university, doesn't have much close fren, my best fren lied to me and has been single for many years already. Sometimes I don't even know if my frens are really my frens to me. Despite everything I believe that we shouldn't give up. We are YMD, and we are at our prime of learning things, and therefore hardship is unavoidable. I believe what sensei once said, if u failed the fourth times get up the fifth. When we haven reached our forty, we cant really tell whether we are successful or not. Y are we determining it now already? Fight on!! Fight on!!!